Oh my, it’s been a long time. I wish I could say I’ve been
too busy to blog because I’ve been living a fabulous San Francisco life. I haven’t.
As a matter of fact, this has been one shitty year. Honestly, I’ve had
worse times in my life. However, I set
out in 2012 to live with more intensity, to accomplish goals, to become a
better person. I didn’t do much to accomplish any of those things. I’ve been a lazy bitch. Here’s the skinny on
what went down in 2012 (or what didn't).
When I came to San Francisco in April, I was bursting with naïve optimism. I had lined up an awesome apartment, met some wonderful new peeps, and I had found a job that seemed to be a good opportunity. It turned out to be four months of verbal abuse with low pay and high stress. Mostly that stress came from fear of being yelled at at any moment by one of the most intimidating, awful people I've ever met. My boss even said in a meeting one day that he wanted to put a sign up in the office with a picture of the Auschwitz sign that says "Live to work, work to live." That was my cue to get the fuck out. I spent April-August in a miserable work situation that made me hate my very existence. I cried most days wondering what the hell I had gotten myself into. Not only was my job shit, but the stress made me a rotten bitch who was difficult to live with. My poor roommate bore the brunt of that abuse. In my defense, I still maintain that he is a disgrace to gay men. Seriously, who doesn’t wipe kitchen counters?! I kid.
My now former roommate is a great guy, and he really made my early months in SF bearable. In spite of how much better my life was in the evenings by watching endless episodes of Weeds, I nearly returned to
In my search for a place to live, I met a wonderful couple my age through the Bay Area Reddit
Users Group (mad shout out to the fantastic Sam and Joe!) and they offered
their spare room for rent (seriously, I love the internet). It was only for a short term, but it was
something, and it allowed me to be in Oakland
to start my new job in early October. By November I had found a new apartment
sans roommates. So here we are. I live in the attic of a 140 year old Victorian in Oakland. My San
Francisco dream didn’t turn out the way I
thought. I’m in Oakland , just across the bay and I can’t help
but feel like I’ve been thrust into purgatory.
Although it’s just a waiting period, I signed a year lease, and I plan
on using that year in Oakland
to get my shit together so I can return to the city I love. Oakland
isn’t so bad. It’s flat, which is great
for this fat ass who has taken up a bicycle over a car, and the gang violence they talk about on television is really isolated to certain parts of the city, which I am not in.
In spite of all the things I cut myself down for not having
accomplished, I must point out that I accomplished one huge part of my
dream. I moved to San Francisco . I can’t believe that I’m here. Every time I
get off the train and step off the escalator onto Market Street I get this brief high. It’s just an amazing place. It’s everything Oklahoma wasn’t. I feel, for the first time ever, that I am
exactly where I need to be. While it’s
difficult and I have my moments of loneliness and bitterness accompanied by doubt, fear, and regret, I accomplished
something huge this year, and I’m pretty fucking proud of that.
So here’s to 2012, I’m glad you’re gone. And here’s to 2013, may we always remember
that life is what we make it. We control our destinies, and no one else can stop us if we know what we want.
So here are my goals for 2013:
Foster deeper, more meaningful friendships-
Most importantly, I need to foster
deeper relationships with the AMAZING people I’ve met since arriving here. I need to make more time to spend time with
these remarkable people.
Be… not a fatass-


I want so badly to write more, not
just blog, but I think I might finally carve out some time to write at length about my experiences with having AIS.
It’s something I’ve become increasingly
more open about and I’m passionate about educating
people on the variations in how we each experience the very mutually exclusive male/female gender farce. I’m quite obviously decidedly female, as AIS doesn’t really allow for too much
gender ambiguity. However, I have made some wonderful transgendered friends in San Francisco who, in spite of what my Oklahoma
roots have taught me, are well adjusted, wonderful people who happen to have been born into the wrong
Sell my car-
The most painful decision I’ve made
since I’ve been here is that I no longer need my
car. I have decided to sell my dearest
Ziggy. We had a good ride, now it’s time for me to ride my bike off into
the sunset and rid myself of the insurance and loan
Pay off my credit cards. Again. –
Seriously, do we ever fucking learn? Also, I plan on making a dent in my student loans.
Stop being a jerk-
Meaning… follow through with
promises. I’m terrible at that. Terrible.
I have no excuse, except that I’m a lazy